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PT Federal International Finance (FIFGROUP)
Detail Lowongan
Pendidikan : SMA/SMK
Status Pekerjaan : Penuh Waktu
Tipe Pekerjaan : Jam Kantor
Gaji : Tidak disebutkan

Pekerjaan meliputi: - Rekapitulasi data - Membuat memo administrasi - Melakukan entry data administrasi - Melalukan entry data penjualan atau kredit

Kriteria Umum
  • - Usia maks. 32 tahun
  • - Pendidikan min. SMA/sederajat
  • - Merupakan teman disabilitas
  • - Tertarik untuk bekerja dalam bidang administratif
  • Kriteria Khusus
  • - Usia maks. 32 tahun
  • - Pendidikan min. SMA/sederajat
  • - Status : Kontrak 1 tahun
  • Kebutuhan Disabilitas
  • Disabilitas Fisik
  • Disabilitas Sensorik Pendengaran (Tuli)
  • Bagikan
    Tentang Perusahaan

    FIFGROUP is an affiliation company of PT. Astra International Tbk which engages in consumer financing. Currently, we serve more than 4 million active customers all across Indonesia. Founded in 1989, FIFGROUP grows excellently over the years. By the end of 2018, FIFGROUP successfully booked total revenue of IDR 9.46 Trillion. Strengthened with the spirit of TEAM; Teamwork, Excellent, Achieving, and Moving Forward, we continue to expand our business to financial technology and various digital business platforms. We believe, everything we do is dedicated to bring a better life for the community and by doing so, we’ll get closer to our vision to be an admired national industry leader.

    Detail Perusahaan
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